Faith Lived/Sacramental Program

Weekly Liturgies, preparation for Sacraments, faith and Parish celebrations play a great part in our families’ experiences of belonging to the community of Sacred Heart/Emmaus Parish.


At Cana we celebrate Liturgies which are led by the students for the school community to gather in prayer. Each grade has opportunities to plan and lead the Mass and engage in the four parts to the Mass – I WAS (Introduction, Word, Action, Sending). Students have various roles such as Reader of the Word, bring up of the gifts and role playing the Gospel.  Students also undertake training to be altar servers and overhead helpers.


Students preparing to receive a Sacrament are expected to attend Sacramental Family Evenings that provide faith formation for the child and their family.

Teachers, parents and the parish Religious Education team work in partnership in the preparation of students for Sacraments

  • Celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation – Year 3
  • Celebration of the Sacrament of First Eucharist – Year 4
  • Celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation – Year 6