
Cana Catholic School was built in answer to parishioner’s requests for Catholic Primary Education.

We enrol:

- Baptised Catholic children (Baptism certificates required on enrolment)

- Families living within the Sacred Heart / Emmaus Parish boundaries and

- Families belonging to Sacred Heart /Emmaus Parish through 'praying (Mass), working (Ministry), and sharing (Stewardship)'

Our school operates out of a conviction, not a convention. That conviction is to provide Catholic education to Primary aged Catholic children in our parish. Our staff and families need to live a life of faith based on the teaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Life and faith are mutually inclusive and inseparable. At Sacred Heart / Emmaus parish we pray together, work together and we share a part of our income.


  • At Cana School we will enrol Baptised Catholic children from Catholic families who are active members of our parish, participating in the Sacramental, social, financial and pastoral life of Sacred Heart / Emmaus Parish.
  • Should vacancies be available, we will consider enrolling students from neighbouring Catholic parishes needing special consideration.

Families enrolled in our school are expected to be at Mass each week in our Parish and to be in Ministry in our Parish community. Families are also expected to share their money with our Parish through Stewardship Program.

Before enrolment, an interview is held with both parents of the child / children to be enrolled. At this interview, parish, school and parent expectations are talked about and explained. An interview does not mean enrolment.

Prior to enrolment, families will need to attend interviews with the Principal and Deputy Principal to discuss needs and expectations. Enrolment will be offered once agreement has been reached concerning school and family expectations.

Enrolment will be considered on going as long as these mutual expectations are being fulfilled.

The school now offers tours for perspective families. Dates and times are advertised through the school Newsletter and Website.