Wellbeing Support for families

This is a page where families are able to come and view a variety of supportive resources they may wish to access for their own wellbeing and the wellbeing of their children.

There are articles to read, videos to view and websites to visit.

This page will be updated regularly. If you have any ideas or information you feel that would be beneficial for others to read or view please email Michelle Cassar with your information. Also, any families experiencing difficulties regarding their wellbeing, please don’t hesitate to contact Michelle Cassar at mcassar@canahillside.catholic.edu.au. Hope you find this information useful!!

As Catholics, we must continue to nurture our spiritual wellbeing. Prayer is a significant way we can remain connected to God. He wants to remain in close relationship with us all.

I have attached information about a link called Liturgy Help. Families are able to use this resource to strengthen their personal and family prayer.  It is a free website! Details on how to log in are attached.

There is also a prayer for ANZAC day tomorrow to say with your families and prayers for meal times.

Live streaming of our Parish Mass continues to be available. Please find details below.

God Bless,

Michelle Cassar

Parents these are resources for you to look through at your own pace. The intention is for Cana to continue to support you during this time. It will be regularly updated. Your wellbeing is important to Cana also. If you have any concerns about your wellbeing or the wellbeing of your child/ren please do not hesitate to contact me via email on mcassar@canahillside.catholic.edu.au

Regards, Michelle Cassar