Wellbeing at Cana

At Cana Catholic Primary School we are committed to the care, safety and wellbeing of all children.

Wellbeing is more than just happiness. It's about empowering students by building life skills as whole person, being fulfilled in order to flourish and live a meaningful life.

Wellbeing refers to students’ physical, social, spiritual and emotional development. At Cana Primary School we aim to provide an environment that enables every student to feel happy, safe, engaged and accepted at school.

At Cana Primary School we place a great emphasis on encouraging each child to develop self-discipline and a sense of caring for others. This means a life of discipline based on Gospel teachings of responsibility, respect, truth, fairness and reconciliation. Every staff member and the rest of our school community in our day-to-day dealings promote these teachings with our children.

Social and Emotional learning is central to all we do. In order to build the capacity within each child we have developed “7 Cana Characteristics of an Effective Learner” which aim to develop the skills to recognise and manage emotions, develop caring and concern for others, establish positive relationships, make responsible decisions and handle challenging situations effectively.

Student Wellbeing

The Wellbeing of our students is fostered through but not limited to;

  • A School Assertive Discipline approach to behaviour that focuses on taking responsibility for your own actions and choices
  • A strong focus on explicit Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) through a variety of programs
  • The Student Leadership Group bringing student voice to life
  • A focus on the development and embeddedness of the Cana Characteristics; Collaboration, Resilience, Risk-taking, Reflective, Persistent, Self Motivated and Curious.
  • A strong embedded strategy ‘Naming It’  used by students when they are experiencing a difficulty with other students on the playground, in the classroom and in life. The strategy aims to equip students with the ability to resolve issues independently within a supportive environment.
  • Specific teaching focused on the research based program Berry Street – empowering students to understand more about how their body/mind work, self regulation and the power of positive mindset.
  • The Alannah and Madeline Foundation Better Buddies Program (Pictured) between prep and year 6 students  as they buddy up and learn the values: caring for others, friendliness, respect, valuing difference, including others and responsibility.
  • Parent Support Group Meetings where the Special Needs leader and the classroom teacher meet with parents/guardians of children with special needs to discuss and monitor learning plans
  • Buddy Bench (pictured) which allows students to seek friendships for others at Recess and Lunchtime.
  • Lunchtime activities
  • Pre-Prep Program
  • Parent Information Nights
  • Transition
  • Whole School assemblies

Our School Rules are:

  • Follow instructions.
  • Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself.
  • Speak appropriately.
  • Listen to the speaker.
  • Take care of all property.
  • Move safely.

If the school rules are not followed, there is a consistent approach and procedure which aims to develop resilience, the ability to take ownership of ones’ behaviour and to restore relationships respectfully.

Procedure for Parent Concerns:

  • See the Classroom Teacher first to make an appointment to meet with him/her.
  • Discuss your concerns.
  • If you wish, you may see the Principal, Deputy Principal or Student Wellbeing Leader.

Parents are asked not to talk to, or get involved with, other people’s children. See a teacher or Mrs Blatti should a problem arise.