Student Leadership

 At Cana, Jesus is our role model and example. Jesus was a leader. He taught people about God and brought them closer to Him. Jesus’ example of leadership was that of a servant. He washed His disciples feet, took care to be gentle and said “I have set an example for you”. Our student leaders aim to further demonstrate this example of  Servant Leadership with all they encounter at Cana and the wider community.

2024 School Leaders


Our 2024 General School Leaders are:

Lucas Jose– Hello, my name is Lucas Jose and I am proud to be one of four Cana School Leaders for 2024. I will work in partnership with Mrs. Blatti, Mrs. Vermulen, Mrs. Cutajar and all of the School leaders to help make Cana a more positive and welcoming community. I will give all students a voice and organise fun activities throughout the year. My personal goal as a leader and as a disciple of Jesus, is to be a good role model to younger children and put their needs before my own.  I look forward to an exciting year ahead as a Leader for 2024.  “It’s not how much you do, but how much you put into what you do that counts”- Mother Teresa

Paolo Tartaglia– Hello, I am Paolo Tartaglia and I am one of the four Cana School Leaders for 2024. I will be Working alongside Mrs. Blatti, Mrs. Vermulen, Mrs. Cutajar, and the other School Leaders, our aim is to make a more positive and inclusive community at Cana. I am dedicated to giving students a voice and organising engaging activities throughout the year. My primary objective as a leader is to set a positive example for younger students and prioritise their safety and well-being . I am keen about the upcoming year as a Leader for 2024.

Milania Chiodo– Hello, my name is Milania Chiodo, and I am proud to be one of the four 2024 General School Leaders. I am looking forward to being a role model to students at Cana Catholic Primary School. I have the privilege to work with Mrs Blatti, Mrs Vermulen, Mr Cutajar and all of the other Staff at Cana. As a leader I will be a hard worker and be determined to help Cana become the best. I will give students a voice at Cana and will be open to all their ideas. I’m looking forward to organising the different activities and fun days that we will have here at Cana. I would love to make this school the best environment to be at. I would love to hear any questions or ideas you may have for our school. Now lets have an amazing year at Cana.

Olivia Mercieca– Hello, my name is Olivia Mercieca and I’m one of the four General School Leaders of 2024. I am very excited to be able to work with Mrs Blatti, Mrs Vermuelen, Mrs Cutajar and all the other Cana staff. I feel honoured to be able to have this role in the school. As a leader at Cana I will help by sharing my ideas to help our school develop in the best ways possible, listen to others feedback and ideas, make sure everybody’s school journey is safe and lastly help make the school a fun place for children to come learn in an exciting way.

2024 Sports Leaders


Our 2024 Sport Leaders are:

Father O’Reilly House (Yellow)- Cohen Thewma and Addison Hayden

Hi my name is Cohen Thewma and I love sports and I will be working with Addison Hayden. I want to be a good role model for the Cana community and I want to help with the Cana sport community. I also want to make sport fun and inclusive for all. I also have a passion for soccer. Mr. Cassar has chosen me to be a leader for 2024 and I am looking forward to working with him and all of the other Leaders. I am also very thankful for the opportunity to be the sports captain.

Hello, my name is Addison Hayden and I am proud to be one of the Cana sport leaders for Father O’Reilly house (Yellow) in 2024. I will be working with Cohen Thewma, Mr Cassar and Mr Schembri. My goal for this year is to improve sports in this school and to inspire the younger students to achieve their sport goals. I am excited to have this opportunity and I look forward to being one of the Cana sport captains for 2024.

St Joseph House (Red)- Isabella Giampicollo and Leah Rupa

HI, my name is Isabella and I am working with Leah, we are red house sports leaders for Cana in 2024. This year I am proud to be working with Mr Cassar and Mr Schembri with their sport responsibilities. I love sport and I am privileged to have this position as sport leader. This year I will try to encourage others to try their hardest in sport and other subjects, I will be supportive to the younger students and I will try to make sport more fun for everyone to enjoy.  Lets have amazing sessions during sports this year!

Hello everyone, my name is Leah Rupa and I am the red house captain with Isabella for 2024. I am honoured to be presented with this opportunity and will definitely not be taking it for granted. You can come to me if you have any problem with the sports equipment or ideas for sport activities for the school. I will make sport a fun and enjoyable activity for everyone to love. I am delighted to be a sports captain this year.

St Patrick (Green)- Ivan Maric and Grace Nemah

Hi my name is Ivan Maric and I am going to be working with Grace Nemah .We are the green house sport leaders (St Patrick) this year I will be helping Mr Cassar and Mr Schembri in sport and I will be helping set up interschool sport and regular sport. I will make sure that everyone has a fair amount of sports equipment. I am very grateful to have been chosen for this role in 2024.

Hi, my name is Grace Nemah. I am the sport leader for St Patrick house (green house). I am going to be working with Ivan Maric who is also a green house leader. This year I will try to help others achieve their sport goals and I will encourage them to enjoy sport as much as me. I hope to be a great role model for all year levels. I am very grateful that Mr. Cassar has chosen me to be a leader for 2024. I am looking forward to working with him, Mr Schembri and all of the other leaders. I am very thankful for this opportunity and very excited to be a 2024 Sports Captain at Cana. “May luck be your friend in whatever you do, and may trouble be always a stranger to you.”- Saint Patrick

St Mary MacKillop (Blue)- Charlize Cunsolo and Cooper Shein

Hello my name is Charlize Cunsolo and I am the sport leader for  St Mary Mackillop (blue house). I am going to be working alongside Cooper Shein, Mr Cassar and Mr Schembri. My goal this year is to help out in the Cana sport community by setting a great example to my younger peers. I am very thankful for this opportunity and very excited to be a 2024 Sport Captain.

Hi my name is Cooper Shein and I am the St. Mary Mackillop sport house captain(Blue house) with the help of the other blue house Captain Charlize Cunsolo. I will be working with Mr Cassar and Mr Schembri. My personal goal for this year 2024 is to make sport enjoyable and fun for everyone one at Cana. I look forward to working with all the sport leaders this year and being a positive role model for all the students at Cana.

2024 Mary MacKillop Leaders

Our 2024 Mary MacKillop Group Leaders are:   

Amelia Grillo- Hello, my name is Amelia  Grillo and I’m one of the Mary Mackillop leaders for 2024. My goal is to help Mrs D’Abreo organise different activities throughout the year. At the end of the school year is to create a better learning environment for everyone, and inspire the younger students at Cana to be the best version of themselves. I’m inspired by Mary Mackillop quotes; ‘Find happiness in making others happy.

Natasha Wolosz- Hello everyone, my name is Natasha Wolosz. I am proud to be one of 2024’s Mary Mackilliop leaders of the school. I will be working alongside my fellow Mary Mackilliop leaders and Mrs D’ abreo. As this leader I will promote Mary’s work around our school community by helping out the new preps, students on the buddy bench, students who are hurt and many others things. My goal by the end of the school year is to create a better learning environment for everyone and inspire the younger students at Cana to be the best version of themselves. I’m inspired by one of Mary Mackilliop quotes; ‘Find happiness in making others happy’.

Abel Joseph- Hello everyone my name is Abel Joseph and I will be the St Mary Mackillop leader for 2024. My role as this leader is to help kids get creative and to follow God’s word like St Mary Mackillop. Along with the help of the other St Mary Mackillop leaders and Mrs D’abreo, we are keen to help others and to listen to everyone’s ideas. Together we can make Cana a happier and safer learning environment. As Mary Mackillop says, “Never see a need without doing anything about it.” Looking forward to working with you.