Child Safety

The safety of each child at Cana is of the upmost importance.

It is within our duty of care to ensure each child feels safe within all environments including school, home and the community. To comply with the Ministerial Order No. 870- Child Safe Standards, Cana is required to meet the Child Safe Standards 1-7. Below is information on how we maintain the safety of each child and what we are mandated to do in the instance that a child’s safety has been breached.

If you would like further information or need to make a report yourself, here are some contact numbers and the Victorian State Government website you may visit.

Child First: 1300 138 180

Child Protection: 1300 664 977

Child Safe Standards 1-7:

Below is a statement from Catholic Education Melbourne that encompasses child safety in all Catholic School across Melbourne.

In the event that we have a concern about the safety of a child here at Cana we have a CHILD SAFETY REPORTING PROCESS that we are required to follow. Below is that process:

Step 5 (What happens next?) of our CHILD SAFETY REPORTING PROCESS states that either the Child Safety Person, Principle or Deputy will: Follow the Four Critical Actions Flow Chart. This chart is below:

Students at Cana Catholic Primary School are empowered by recognising the importance of each child’s safety. The Student Leaders have developed a Child Safety Policy using their voice and the voice of all Cana students. The Student Leaders have also developed a Safety Plan and have rewritten the Child Safety Standards through their lens. Below are both of those documents for you to download: