Principal’s Welcome

On behalf of the Cana Catholic Primary School community and the Parish of Sacred Heart /Emmaus, I warmly welcome you to our Parish school.  I hope that you find our website to be a great source of information about our policies and practices.

Cana is a faith community of parents, teachers and students working together to provide a quality Catholic education for all students. We are a faith filled community of learners who gather to grow in our faith and learn together.

Teachers work with their students to establish positive relationships where each student understands that their teacher knows them, cares about them and wants them to be successful. 

We are committed to individual excellence and nurturing each student’s spiritual, emotional, intellectual, social and physical growth. At Cana we offer each student quality experiences in all areas of curriculum so students can discover their strengths and passions.

Teachers strive to create engaging and challenging learning environments that are focussed on meeting individual needs, encouraging each student to believe in themselves and see themselves as effective learners.

This is achieved through the development of our seven ‘Characteristics of an Effective Learner’ which are, to be Resilient, Curious, Self-motivated, Collaborative, Persistent a Risk-taker and Reflective. When embracing these characteristics, our students take ownership for their learning and see themselves as life-long learners.

Student safety and wellbeing are areas of high priority at Cana. In partnership with the family we lead students to develop positive, respectful relationships with each other and understand that their choices of words and actions have an impact on others.

As Principal of Cana, I lead a committed and professional staff who work collaboratively in partnership with each student and parent.  Mutual respect and trust are values which are at the centre of all communications when addressing any concerns between home and the school.

We believe parents are key partners in their child’s learning and in the life of the school. Therefore, parent voice and involvement through the various ministries is greatly valued and welcomed.

We support and encourage each member of our community, student, staff and parent, to be the best they can be and endeavour to live the teachings of the Gospel with Jesus as our model.

I invite you to contact me should you wish to know more about Cana Catholic Primary School.

Mrs. Carmen Blatti