
Their Care

Our school operates an After School Care Program for use by families whose work hours are different to school hours. Children need to be registered before they attend and parents are responsible for maintaining accurate information with the program supervisors. Costs for this program are additional to normal school fees and we will keep costs as low as possible. After School Care finishes at 6.00pm sharp.

Contact Details:

0457797014 (OSHC Program phone)
1300072410 (Head Office)


We celebrate Mass at Cana for the children, their families and school staff. Mass times can be found in our school newsletter. Mass is another opportunity for our community to celebrate the Eucharist together.

Parents are most welcome. 

Sacramental Family Sessions

As part of the students preparation for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation, students and their families participate in Sacramental Family Sessions. The Sacramental sessions are an opportunity for students and their families to develop their faith and Sacramental knowledge together.

Physical Education Program

The school implements a planned Prep to Grade Six Physical Education program. The Physical Education program promotes the development of motor skills, knowledge of different sports and the importance of fitness and leading a healthy lifestyle.
Grade Five and Six students also participate in the School Sports Victoria Interschool Sports Program.

Arts Program (Visual Art and Performing Art)

The Arts is an important part of the curriculum and at Cana we currently run a planned Visual Arts and Performing Arts program (1 semester each). The Visual Arts program teaches students a variety of techniques and elements used to create different artistic creations as well as providing students with an understanding of significant artists throughout history. Performing Arts aims to enrich student learning through sound and movement.

Italian (LOTE) Program

The LOTE program at Cana offers Italian  from Prep to Grade Six as part of the core curriculum. The LOTE Program offers the students both a cultural view of Italy as well as the opportunity of improving their linguistic skills through the Italian and English language connection. The program also offers academic opportunities as well as lessons which aim to promote the students’ confidence through activities such as plays and projects. There is also a focus on interesting facts about Italy and impressionable people of Italy such as Saints and other famous individuals.

STEM (Science.Technology.Engineering.Mathematics)

STEM education is the learning of science, technology, engineering and mathematics in an integrated approach. During planned STEM sessions at Cana, students will gain and apply knowledge and deepen their understanding through inquiry and project-based learning.

Students will develop 21st century skills such as:

  • Problem solving
  • Critical thinking
  • Creativity
  • Perseverance
  • Communication
  • Team work

These skills developed by students through STEM provide them with the foundation to succeed at school and beyond in this ever changing world.

Better Buddies Program

The Alannah & Madeline Foundation’s Better Buddies Framework is an initiative designed to create friendly and caring primary school communities where bullying is reduced.
Through Better Buddies, children in prep and grade six buddy up and learn the values: caring for others, friendliness, respect, valuing difference, including others and responsibility. All children in the school learn these values through formal and informal activities, including their interactions with the mascot Buddy Bear.

ICT (Information and Communication Technology)

At Cana we provide students with a comprehensive ICT program which is integrated and utilised throughout the curriculum. The ICT program includes a 1:1 Chromebook program in grades three to six. For more information regarding this program please contact the school.

Second Hand Uniform Shop

Cana has a Second Hand Uniform Shop. Items are sold for up to 50% off regular prices, depending on the condition of the garments. One dollar from every item sold at the uniform shop is put towards a donation to a Parish Charity.