About Our School

Cana’s Motto

“Do what Jesus tells you”

Cana Catholic Primary School is located in the suburb of Hillside. Cana opened in 2004 and is the third Catholic primary school in the Parish of Sacred Heart / Emmaus where a strong link between the Parish and school is valued and nurtured.

Cana is a “Faith and Learning Community” where our students, staff and families work together in partnership. Together we aim to provide a desire for lifelong learning and as a Catholic primary school we believe the Eucharist is our foundation which informs every aspect of our work: academic, social, emotional and spiritual. We believe that each person is a unique gift from God.


Cana Catholic Parish Primary School is an educational community of Faith

As parents, students and staff, we are…

United in Faith,

United in Learning,

United in Wellbeing,

United in Shaping our World.

In our foundation story, we hear

“Do What Jesus Tells You.”

United in Faith…

  • We hear and proclaim Jesus and the Gospel values, through word, prayer, liturgy and example.
  • We teach and learn about our faith in the tradition of the Catholic Church.
  • We value and nurture partnerships within our School, Parish and wider community.

United in Learning…

  • We provide a safe, inclusive and supportive learning environment.
  • We implement a curriculum that is accessible, engaging, challenging and transforming.
  • We provide opportunities for students to develop characteristics of an effective learner.

United in Wellbeing…

  • We recognise and celebrate the uniqueness of each other.
  • We strive for all to have a sense of belonging through respectful relationships.
  • We are committed to the safety and wellbeing of each student, staff member and family.

United in Shaping our World…

  • We show gratitude for what we have and act for social justice.
  • We share in the responsibility to care for our common home, Earth.
  • We empower all members of Cana to contribute to the school, the wider community and the world.
Front Entrance
School Grounds
School Grounds
School Grounds
School Grounds
Cana Urns
Inside the Classroom
Inside the classroom