
At Cana Primary School, the curriculum is designed to ensure that all students gain the knowledge, skills and deep understandings required for success in 21st Century society. Children are exposed to a broad range of learning experiences.

"I come that you may have life to the full" John 10:10

Knowledge, skills and understandings in Literacy and Numeracy are central to overcoming social and economic disadvantage and providing the skills to participate fully in democratic society. It is therefore critical that each student has every opportunity to learn to become fully literate and numerate.

Victorian schools are working with one curriculum which is the Victorian Curriculum.

All the standards are designed to encourage students, build their confidence, offer varied approaches to learning and challenge them to achieve. Learning opportunities are created where knowledge and skills are integrated across the curriculum, enabling them to learn from and with others. Our curriculum caters for student’s individualised learning, including extension or intervention, through programs enabling all students to achieve their potential.

Our Curriculum covers the following domains of the Victorian Curriculum:

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Personal and Social Capabilities
  • Health and Physical Education
  • The Arts
  • Humanities (Civics & Citizenship, Geography, History, Economics & Business
  • Science
  • Technologies (STEM)
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
  • Critical & Creative thinking
  • Languages (Italian)

Information and CommunicationTechnology (ICT) at Cana

At Cana, we believe that children growing up in a 21st Century society should be exposed to the use of technology. We have a 1:1 program for students in Grade 5 and 6, where each student has their own Chromebook. Students in Prep-Grade 4, also have exposure to Chromebooks that are used across the curriculum.

Through active participation in the curriculum, we endeavour that students become active and informed citizens, confident and creative individuals and most importantly successful learners.


At Cana Primary School assessment and reporting is an important part of learning and teaching. Teachers use a variety of assessment tools to inform their planning, to better understand the learning needs of their students and to monitor student achievements and successes.

Assessment and Reporting is offered in a number of ways at Cana. These include:

  • Introductory Interviews held at the beginning of each school year.
  • Written reports sent home twice per year (Term 2 and Term 4).
  • Two parent teacher interviews held in Term 2 and Term 3.
  • Parents will receive a copy of the report generated as a result of participation in National Testing (NAPLAN). This is for parents with children in Grade 3 and 5.
  • Ongoing conversations with staff as required.