Our School Community

At Cana Catholic Primary School, we believe the relationships within our school community are imperative for building strong connections between faith and learning development.

We recognise families as their child’s prime educators and we value our partnership to foster their child’s faith, education and wellbeing. We work collaboratively between staff, students, families, Parish and the wider community to ensure inclusiveness and achieving our mission of praying, working and sharing together.

Cana Catholic Primary School encourages parents to support their child’s education through:

  • Out of School Hours Care (OSHC- paid service)
  • Joining a Parish Ministry
  • Celebrating Mass with the children
  • Attending assemblies that are held on Monday mornings
  • Becoming classroom helpers
  • Assisting with excursions
  • Working in the library
  • Joining the fundraising group
  • Attending working bees
  • Supporting our school fair
  • Supporting school events e.g. Mini Fair, Lapathon.
  • Parent guest speakers in the classroom e.g. sharing about their role in the community

Please note that a current Working With Childrens Check and a signed copy of Child Safe Code of Conduct is required to help in our school.

In addition, Cana Catholic Primary School provides the following extra curricular activities:

  • Mother’s Day celebration
  • Father’s Day celebration
  • Grandparent’s Day celebration
  • Parish Fair
  • Information sessions e.g. Cybersafety, Visible Learning
  • 100 days of Prep celebration
  • Buddy Program launch
  • Open classrooms (after Mass and during special events)